Monday, June 23, 2008

Josh's vaction

So In may Josh took a week of vacation and his parents came out to utah from alabama we were extremly excited because we had not seen them in over a year!!! We had a blast the kids loved it and they loved it we had lots of family over and even had one night were 14 people were sleeping here lol! They arrived on sunday evening and monday night we went to wendover it was fun but we had s[ent the day at the gateway mall in the sun so we all got tired really quick!!! Wednesday we went to dinner at the road house with Josh's step dads son and his wife Jerry jr and Cindy they are so nice and tonz of to be around! the rest of the week did lots of shopping and ate out way too much I gained 4 pounds in one week...YUCK luckly I lost it really quick when I went back to my low fat diet! it was lots of fun and we really coudln't have asked for a better vaction!!! Love you Cynthia and Jerry!